geoffclare (manager)
2024-08-05 15:31
edited on: 2024-08-05 15:34
Proposed changes ...
On page 2095 line 68678-68681 section socketpair(), change:[EPROTONOSUPPORT]The protocol is not supported by the address family, or the protocol is not supported by the implementation. [EPROTOTYPE]The socket type is not supported by the protocol. to:[EPROTONOSUPPORT]The value of protocol is non-zero and either the protocol is not supported by the address family or the protocol is not supported by the implementation. [EPROTOTYPE]The value of protocol is non-zero and the socket type is not supported by the protocol. [ESOCKTNOSUPPORT] [OB]or [EPROTONOSUPPORT] or [EPROTOTYPE][/OB]The socket type is not supported by the address family, or the socket type is not supported by the implementation.
After page 2096 line 68715 section socketpair(), add a paragraph:See also the RATIONALE for socket() regarding errno values.
On page 2096 line 68717 section socketpair() change FUTURE DIRECTIONS from:None. to:A future version of this standard may disallow setting errno to [EPROTONOSUPPORT] or [EPROTOTYPE] when the socket type is not supported and protocol is zero.